When was the first recorded hijacking?

When was the first recorded hijacking? February 21, 1931: The first documented hijacking of a civilian airliner, for which detailed and reliable records exist, occurred on this date, when a Pan American-Grace Airways airmail flight landed in Arequipa, Peru and was surrounded by armed guerillas as the Ford Trimotor taxiied to the terminal.

Who hijacked a plane and was never found?

It remains the only unsolved hijacking in US aviation history. An artist's rendering of D.B. Cooper, who hijacked Northwest Orient Flight 305 out of Portland, Oregon, and demanded $200,000 in ransom.

When was the last hijack?

In May 2021, a Ryanair commercial jet was intercepted by Belarusian authorities while flying over Belarus on route to Vilnius, Lithuania. This occurrence is considered to be the most recent hijacking incident in the global aviation industry.

When was the last plane crash in the US?

There has not been a fatal crash involving a major U.S. airline since February 2009, when a Continental flight crashed into a house near Buffalo, killing all 49 people on board.

When was the golden age of hijacking?

In five years, between 1968 and 1972, more than 130 aircraft were hijacked in the US alone, sometimes two on the same day. The startling regularity of seizures at 36,000 feet has led to the era being dubbed “the Golden Age of Hijacking”.