When using a debit card abroad should I pay in or in local currency?

When using a debit card abroad should I pay in or in local currency? Research shows that in most cases you can save by opting to spend in the local currency. For example, that would mean choosing euros in Spain or dollars in the US. When you choose to pay in the currency of the region or country you're visiting, Visa or Mastercard will set the exchange rate.

Do credit cards automatically convert currency?

Yes, credit card companies automatically convert foreign currencies to the domestic currency using their exchange rate.

Which debit cards are free for abroad?

Chime (USA Only) Chime is a good debit card for international travel thanks to its no foreign transaction fees. Unlike multi-currency accounts like Revolut (which let you hold local currency), Chime uses the live exchange rate applied by VISA.

How can I avoid transaction fees abroad?

Exchange cash before leaving the United States You can avoid all transaction fees by paying for your purchases in cash while you're abroad. Banks and currency exchange stores will exchange U.S. dollars for most major currencies, and you can do this before you leave.