When should you log solo time?

When should you log solo time? Except for a student pilot performing the duties of pilot in command of an airship requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember, a pilot may log as solo flight time only that flight time when the pilot is the sole occupant of the aircraft.

When should I log night flight time?

Putting It All Together. As long as you're using your position and anticollision lights between sunset and sunrise, logging your night flight time after the end of civil twilight, and logging your night takeoffs and landings at least one hour after sunset, you're good to go.

Why do pilots get their shirt cut?

Legend has it that this ritual started in the United States. In the early days of flying, there was no radio communication between the student and instructor, who were often sitting front-to-back instead of side-to-side. To communicate, the instructor had to tug on the back of the student's shirt.

How long is a 61.58 good for?

Under§ 61.58(a), no person may act as PIC of an aircraft that is type ce1tificated for more than one required flight crewmember or is turbojet-powered unless (1) within the preceding 12 calendar months, the pilot has completed a proficiency check in an aircraft that is type certificated for more than one required pilot ...

Do flight instructors log PIC time?

Flight instructors may log any flight time as PIC whenever they are providing flight instruction, whether or not they are acting as PIC (FAR 61.51).

Does a pilot have to carry his logbook?

(3) A sport pilot must carry his or her logbook or other evidence of required authorized instructor endorsements on all flights.

How to calculate flight time for logbook?

You will, however, have to perform some mental math or use a calculator when making logbook entries using this format; Each decimal hour (0.1) is equal to 6 minutes, which means your flight minutes will have to be divided by 6 to obtain decimal hours (e.g., a flight of one and a half hours (1:30) = 1. [30/6] = 1.5).

Are you required to log every flight?

In the United States, a pilot is required to log all flight time that is used to meet the minimum requirements for a certificate, rating, flight review, or instrument proficiency check, and for currency. This means that a pilot does not need to record every single one of his or her flights.

Do airlines care about simulator time?

It depends on the simulator. If it is an FAA certified simulator, any use in the presence of an instructor or inspector may be logged toward required hours. There are limits and almost every FAA rating requires actual hours in a real flying airplane cockpit.

Can you log flight time if you dont take off?

According to the Kania 2004 FAA Interpretation, as long as the flight was not terminated or suspended, you're 100% legal to log each minute as flight time while parked on the taxiway. The same concept holds true for ground delays when you're awaiting takeoff clearance.