When should I go to Sensoji temple?

When should I go to Sensoji temple? As you can imagine, Sensoji Temple is so popular that it gets super crowded quite easily, especially on weekends. But also on weekdays, the place can be full of people. In order to avoid the crowds, we recommend that you go there early in the morning, preferably around 9am.

What do you wear to Sensoji Temple?

There is no strict dress code in Japanese temples and shrines but it's recommended to stick to smart casual or comfy but conservative clothing. It's important to remember that many locals visit these places for prayer.

Can you wear jeans to temple?

In general, temples discourage denim. No short shorts and miniskirts for the ladies. They should keep their skirts or shorts down to the knee (if shorts are allowed at the temple you are visiting. Avoid wearing tattered pants.

Is Senso-ji crowded?

One of the greatest parts of travelling is that you have the option of visiting famous landmarks and sites while everyone else is in work or school. As a result, weekdays are the best day to visit Sensoji Temple. It will still be crowded, but the crowds are typically manageable.

Is it safe in Asakusa?

Safety at night:Very safe Asakusa is remarkably safe at night for solo female travelers. The neighborhood is illuminated at night with plenty of activity and presence of local people which fosters a reassuring environment.

How late is sensoji temple open?

Open: 0600 to 1700. Between October and March, the temple opens at 0630.

Can I wear shorts to temples in Japan?

As mentioned in our top Japan travel tips article, there is no strict dress code at Japanese shrines or temples. However, it is more appropriate to dress in a way that is slightly more conservative or leans toward smart-casual a little. Shorts, skirts and dresses at knee-length are fine.

What do people do at Sensoji?

Sensoji Temple is lit up every evening from sunset until around 11 p.m. Enjoy a walk in this spiritual and historical epicenter as you gaze at the ethereal illuminations. After exploring the grounds, head back out to Nakamise-dori street, one of Japan's oldest shopping arcades.

Is Sensoji temple open 24 hours?

Opening Hours and Entrance Fee Sinsoji's main hall is open from 6 am to 5 pm every day from April to September and from 6:30 am to 5pm from October to March. Admission is free to the Sensoji temple. The temple grounds are always open, and the main building is illuminated nightly from sunset until 11 pm.

Can you visit Sensoji at night?

Visit Report of Sensoji Temple To enhance the image of Asakusa as an international city, the temple has been lit up every day since 2003, offering a fantastic sight. As the shops along Nakamise-dori close between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm, it is a good time to enjoy the night view in a relatively quiet atmosphere.

What time does Senso-ji temple open?

The Main Hall of Sensoji Temple is open between 6.00 and 17.00, but opens at 6.30 between October and March. The main buildings of Sensoji are illuminated every evening. The temple grounds are much quieter at this time, so this is a great time to take some pictures.