When should I contact approach?

When should I contact approach? The Contact Approach is an instrument clearance, so you and your aircraft need to be instrument-capable. As with Special VFR, you'll need at least one-mile flight visibility and the ability to remain clear of clouds all the way to the runway.

What is a no gyro approach?

A no-gyro approach is an ASR/PAR performed when you lose primary heading information. During this. approach, the controller will call your turns by transmitting “turn right/turn left” and “stop turn.” Therefore, you must perform standard rate turns not to exceed 30 AOB in the pattern and half standard rate turns on.

What are the two types of departure procedures?

There are two types of DPs, Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), printed either textually or graphically, and Standard Instrument Departures (SID), always printed graphically.

Why are departure procedures necessary?

They also use departure procedures for noise abatement. Another reason is so that departing traffic can gain height where there is no inbound traffic (see standard arrival route) so that when they leave the departure procedure, and cross inbound traffic, they are higher.