When did people start brushing their teeth in Europe?

When did people start brushing their teeth in Europe? Modern-day tooth brushing as a regular habit became prevalent in Europe from the end of the 17th century. The first mass-produced toothbrush was developed in England in 1780 by William Addis.

What nationality has the healthiest teeth?

When it comes to the best overall dental health, Denmark takes the #1 spot. With a DMFT (decayed, missing, or filled teeth) index score of 0.4, Danish citizens have pretty perfect teeth. Germany, Finland, Sweden, and the UK all have scores below 1.0, making them the five countries with the healthiest teeth.

How often do Italians brush their teeth?

Concerning oral hygiene habits, 73% of the sample reported to brush their teeth twice a day and 22.2% once a day, while 4.8% did so seldom or never. Recent, smaller scale Italian surveys have confirmed that children go to the dentist more often than adults.