When can you see elephant seals at Ano Nuevo?

When can you see elephant seals at Ano Nuevo? Año Nuevo State Park offers docent-guided walks between December 15 and March 31, which feature the elephant seals in their natural habitat. To view the elephant seals during this season, you must be on a guided walk. Elephant seal viewing requires a 3-4 mile moderate hike over varied terrain, including sand dunes.

How much does it cost to go to the Año Nuevo State Park?

Año Nuevo State Park is located on Highway 1 at the southern edge of San Mateo County at 1 New Years Creek Road, Pescadero. Tickets for tours cost $11 and parking costs $10. To make reservations for guided walks, visit www. reservecalifornia or https://www.parks.ca.gov/ or call 800-444-4445.