When can you drive in a with flow bus lane?

When can you drive in a with flow bus lane? A with-flow bus lane is one that runs in the same direction as the traffic beside it. Taxis and cyclists may also use with-flow bus lanes. Other traffic may use them outside the hours posted on the accompanying plate.

What is code 34 being in a bus lane?

A bus lane contravention PCN (also called a 34J PCN) is issued when a vehicle is seen to be travelling within a bus lane during restricted hours.

What is a bus lane called?

Transit lanes are a portion of the street designated by signs and markings for the preferential or exclusive use of transit vehicles, sometimes permitting limited use by other vehicles.

How much is a bus lane ticket in New York City?

NYPD Bus Lane Violations If you get a violation from a police officer for driving in a bus lane, it's considered a moving violation. The ticket will be yellow and the fine is $150. Information about paying or disputing a moving violation is on the back of the violation.

Why are bus lanes good?

Buses reduce traffic and air pollution because they are more space and fuel efficient. Bus lanes keep buses from getting stuck in traffic, making bus travel fast and more reliable.

Can you turn around in a bus lane?

Unless otherwise restricted, vehicles are permitted to enter the bus lane to make right turns onto the next city street, or to any curb cut within 200' of the point of entry. To make a right turn from a bus lane, enter the bus lane safely toward the end of the block you are turning from.

What happens if you cross a bus lane?

It is a travel lane restricted to buses only during certain hours of the day. During this time, other vehicles may enter a bus lane only to make the next available right turn, or to quickly drop off or pick up passengers. Violating bus lane rules results in a $50 – $250 fine.