When cabin altitude rises above 14000 ft oxygen masks will drop out?

When cabin altitude rises above 14000 ft oxygen masks will drop out? When the cabin altitude rises above 14 000 feet, the oxygen masks stored above the passenger seats, in the lavatories, galleys, and crew stations will deploy automatically. The flight crew may also manually deploy the oxygen mask system.

At which altitude will o2 masks drop down automatically?

Oxygen masks release whenever there's a drop in cabin pressure. Sometimes the flight crew might initiate the release. However, it usually triggers automatically when the cabin altitude gets to 14,000 feet.

What are the oxygen requirements when operating at cabin pressure altitudes above 15000 feet MSL?

(ii) Above 15,000 feet MSL, oxygen to each occupant of the aircraft, other than the pilots, for one hour unless, at all times during flight above that altitude, the aircraft can safely descend to 15,000 feet MSL within four minutes, in which case only a 30-minute supply is required.