When a person getting out of the moving bus falls in the direction of the motion of the bus?

When a person getting out of the moving bus falls in the direction of the motion of the bus? A getting passenger getting down from a moving bus, falls in the direction of the motion of the bus. This is because his feet come to rest on touching the ground and the remaining body continues to move due to inertia of motion.

What are the 5 examples of motion?

The examples of motion include: running, cycling, jumping, swimming, eating, drinking, playing, writing, typing, moving cars, throwing ball. The examples of rest include: sleeping, sitting, standing, staring, lying, a fixed clock, bottle kept on a table, a stopped car.

Why do passengers fall in backward direction when a bus suddenly starts moving from rest?

When a bus starts suddenly,its passengers tend to fall backwards because due to their inertia, the passengers tend to remain in a state of rest even when the bus starts moving.

In which direction does the passenger fall when a bus?

When a bus abruptly starts moving, the passengers tend to slide backward due to inertia, as the passenger's inertia tends to oppose the bus's forward motion. Hence, the passenger tends to fall back when the bus accelerates forward.

What law of motion is falling forward while getting down from a moving bus?

According to the law of inertia of motion, the body resists any kind of change in the state of its motion. When a man gets down from a moving bus his body has a speed equal to the speed of the bus and due to this speed, his body continues moving in the direction of the bus.

What happens to the passenger when the bus moves?

This is due to inertia of rest of upper part of the passengers body when the bus or train suddenly starts moving, the lower part of the passenger's body starts moving along with the bus or train while upper part of the body has a tendency to remain in the state of rest due to inertia of rest and hence falls backward.

When a man jumping out of a moving bus falls forward?

The person is in a state of motion, but when they jump out and land on the ground, the lower half of their body comes to an abrupt stop. Due to the inertia of motion, the upper half of their body resists this sudden change in state and continues to move in the direction of the bus, causing the person to roll forward.