What's the easiest section of the PCT?

What's the easiest section of the PCT? Oregon. Oregon is by far the easiest section of the PCT: it's almost flat and some hikers take the so-called “Oregon challenge” of hiking the 455 miles of this section in just 2 weeks.

Is the Pacific Crest Trail well marked?

Is the PCT well signed and marked? The trail is generally well marked to the standard that it's supposed to be signed to. This is a wilderness trail and signage is kept to a minimum. Signs should be present at all trail junctions and road crossings.

Is the PCT prettier than the AT?

The PCT has great views from day one. You're guaranteed a pretty panorama every day, and not just at viewpoints. Think about some of the PCT highlights. San Jacinto, Forester Pass, Kings Canyon, Crater Lake, and Goat Rocks, among others.

Why not to hike the PCT?

Extreme Temperatures. Weather on the PCT can range from extreme heat to extreme cold, even on the same day. The desert can get upwards of 100 degrees during the day and below freezing at night. Don't let the snow fool ya in the Sierra, it can get pretty dang hot there too.

What percentage of hikers complete the PCT?

The Pacific Crest Trail Association estimates that 700 to 800 people attempt to thru-hike it each year, and about 15% to 35% (versus the AT's 25%) actually succeed.

Are PCT permits hard to get?

Getting a Pacific Crest Trail permit is the first step of any PCT thru-hike. A lot of future thru-hikers stress out over this process since it's essentially a lottery. That said, your odds of getting a permit are excellent. However, your odds of getting a permit for one specific date are less excellent.