What's the difference between a Galloper and a carousel?

What's the difference between a Galloper and a carousel? A carousel turns anti-clockwise and the horses are often different to one another and prancing. 'Gallopers' is the British term for this ride which turns clockwise, most likely because we drive on the left, so when ladies would sit side-saddle they would face outwards.

What are the dots at the bottom of a carousel called?

The Indicators part: The indicators are the little dots at the bottom of each slide (which indicates how many slides there are in the carousel, and which slide the user is currently viewing). The indicators are specified in an ordered list with class .carousel-indicators .

What is the horse carousel called?

Sometimes an organ is playing, sometimes you're grabbing brass rings and sometimes you're watching from the side, holding all the prizes. Also called merry-go-rounds, jumpers, horseabouts, gallopers and flying horses, carousels originated from an interesting past that dates back more than a thousand years.

Why is it called a carousel?

The word “carousel” has been traced to twelfth-century Arabian games of horsemanship called “carosellos” or “little wars.” The game consisted of riders tossing a small perfumed clay ball from one rider to another.By the 16th century these games spread to France where the events were elaborated; people wore fanciful ...