What you Cannot take to Bali?

What you Cannot take to Bali?

  • Narcotics (drugs)
  • Psychotropic Substances.

What drugs are not allowed in Bali?

Opium (Papaver Somniferum) Including it's Plant, Ripe opium, ripe opium such as Opium Jicing and Jicingko. Erythroxylon Cocca, Erythroxylon Cocca Including : it's plant, Cocca leaves and unripe cocca. Cocaine. Marijuana.

Can you bring vapes into Bali?

You don't need to worry you can bring you vape without problem. In Bali, you will also find a bunch of vape shop. The best one is definitely Cstyle vape bar. They have 3 shops (kerobokan, Denpasar, Ubud).

Can I take ibuprofen to Bali?

If you are travelling to Indonesia and you are bringing medication with you, there should be no problem at the customs if it is clear that the medicine is for personal use.

What is considered disrespectful in Bali?

Dressing too casually, talking too loudly, or touching someone too intimately at sacred sites disrupts the island's delicate spiritual balance. (These are some of Europe's most sacred sites.) Such behavior doesn't just offend locals, it also unsettles Bali's Hindu gods, he says.

Do I need to bring toilet paper to Bali?

When packing for your trip to Bali, it's important to consider bringing a few essential toilet items. While toilet paper is widely available in many areas of Bali, it might be wise to bring and carry the following extras with you: Toilet Paper. Wet wipes.

Do I need to declare medication in Bali?

Taking medications into Bali
Carry doctor's certificates, original packaging and prescriptions with you and mark your medication as being for 'personal use' on any customs forms. Keep in mind that you can obtain many over-the-counter medications (e.g. headache pills) in Bali as well.

What toiletries can I take to Bali?

Toiletries To Bring To Bali
Try to not forget your leave-in hair conditioner, sun screen, and mosquito repellent, I use an anti-bug stick actually. Or give this all-natural mosquito repellent soap a go, if you are a prime target for mosquitos!

What is inappropriate to wear in Bali?

Both male and female tourists are expected to dress modestly in Bali in order to respect the locals, especially children and temples. Male tourists are expected to at least wear tank tops and shorts, while female tourists are expected to at least wear T-shirts and shorts that are just slightly above the knee.

What alcohol to avoid in Bali?

Chalmers says it is safe to drink beer, wine, or any sealed premix drinks while holidaying in Bali. “You just can't have anything made with spirits, like cocktails or free-pour drinks,” he said. “We're not trying to stop people from going to Bali, but the risk of getting methanol in your cocktail is not worth it.”

Do I need to carry cash in Bali?

As mentioned above Cash is still a very important form of payment in Bali, particularly in the smaller shops and also when you need to pay for your transportation, or if you need gasoline. The 100,000 bills are the largest bills. It's useful if you take also some smaller bills with you.