What would happen to Chicago if Lake Michigan shrank?

What would happen to Chicago if Lake Michigan shrank? Chicago sans Lake Michigan would be a flat, seasonably brown blot on the Earth. It would be a minnow of a city because there wouldn't be enough water to sustain the navigation that helped birth it, let alone a muscular metropolis.

What is the biggest threat to Lake Michigan?

Climate change is fueling more extreme Lake Michigan Water levels, along with stronger winds and heavier storms. These conditions exacerbate erosion, beach loss, and damage along the shore.

What is the deepest lake in the US?

At 1,943 feet (592 meters), Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and one of the deepest in the world. The depths were first explored thoroughly in 1886 by a party from the U.S. Geological Survey.

What state has plenty of water?

Alaska has the most water The state with the largest total area of water is Alaska, which has 94,743 square miles of water. Alaska contains approximately 12,000 rivers, 3 million lakes larger than 5 acres, and numerous creeks and ponds, accounting for more than 14% of the state's total area.