What words describe people who like to travel?

What words describe people who like to travel?

  • globetrotter.
  • sightseer.
  • tourer.
  • traveler.
  • vacationer.
  • voyager.
  • wayfarer.

What is the word for desire to travel?

Wanderlust is a strong desire to wander or travel and explore the world.

What are 10 synonyms for travel?

Synonyms of travel
  • trek.
  • journey.
  • trip.
  • tour.
  • voyage.
  • roam.
  • wander.
  • pilgrimage.

Is it selfish to want to travel?

Choosing to live a life of travel isn't so different from choosing any other kind of life. Do we call people selfish for doing that? The people that really love and support you will most likely understand this, and accept your sometimes absence from their lives.

What is a Travelling person called?

countable noun. A traveller is a person who is making a journey or a person who travels a lot. Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights. Synonyms: voyager, tourist, passenger, journeyer More Synonyms of traveller.

What is the Old English word for travel?

Largely displaced fare, from Old English faran (“to go [a long distance], to travel”). More at fare.

What is a wanderlust person?

uncountable noun. Someone who has wanderlust has a strong desire to travel. His wanderlust would not allow him to stay long in one spot. Synonyms: restlessness, itchy feet [informal], urge to travel, unsettledness More Synonyms of wanderlust.

Why am I happier when traveling?

This is because new experiences are the key to building new neural pathways in the brain. By rewiring your brain, you become more creative and accepting of new ideas. This is why travel makes you happy. It also takes us out of our comfort zones and inspires us to see, taste, and try new things.

How do you say travel in slang?

  1. Hit the road. When Ray Charles tells Jack to hit the road he's telling him to get out of town. ...
  2. Globetrotting. ...
  3. Take off or jet off. ...
  4. Get a little R&R. ...
  5. Gallivant.

Is Travelling a personality trait?

By the general definition of personality, enjoying travel certainly is a personality trait.

What is the root word for traveling?

Traveling comes from the Old French word travil, meaning “suffering or painful effort” or “trouble” as in traveling a long distance in a covered wagon.

Why do I crave travel so much?

Sometimes we experience wanderlust because we want to get away from the familiar, and travel represents the best way to do it. If you're feeling the urge to pack up your life and run to somewhere else, there are good scientific reasons for that sensation, from a need for novelty to a potential genetic push.

How does traveling affect your personality?

Traveling has a way of making you more mindful and present, reminding you to appreciate the joys of life that you often overlook in your daily routine. By being in new and unfamiliar surroundings, you become more focused on the present moment and the experiences that are unfolding in front of you.

What is the psychology of people who travel a lot?

It increases self-awareness
A related concept, tied to becoming more self-aware and having more exposure to different perspectives, is what psychologists call “cognitive flexibility”, or the ability to jump between ideas. Travel keeps our minds “flexible” because it challenges our set ways of doing and seeing things.