What whales are in Plymouth MA?

What whales are in Plymouth MA? Witness Gentle Giants in Plymouth Join us on the journey as we head out to Cape Cod Bay and Stellwagen Bank, a marine sanctuary and one of the primary feeding grounds for humpback whales, finback whales, pilot whales, minke whales, and the endangered right whales.

Is it better to whale watch in the morning or Evening?

Whales are generally most active in the morning and late afternoon, making these the best times to spot them. During the morning, whales tend to be more active as they start their day and may feed. As the day progresses and the sun sets, whales become more active as they prepare to rest for the night.

What do you wear to whale watching on the Cape?

What you wear while watching Cape Cod whales will have an impact on your comfort. It can get windy on the water, so take a jacket or sweatshirt for warmth. It won't hurt to bring something that's water-resistant in case conditions become wet.

What is the best month for whale watching in Cape Cod?

Around mid-April, Cape Cod whale watching season begins, and it runs through October. The best time to see the whales, though, is from June through September because this is their peak migration period. Throughout the season, you're very likely to see multiple whales on a boat trip.

What is the best month for whale watching in Massachusetts?

2 What is the best time of year for a whale-watching cruise? Prime whale-watching season in Boston lasts from May to October, when the whales migrate to the warm North Atlantic for the summer. You can sometimes see whales in March, April, and November too. 3 What is the best place to see whales in Boston?

What time day is best to see whales?

Whales are generally most active in the morning and late afternoon, making these the best times to spot them. During the morning, whales tend to be more active as they start their day and may feed. As the day progresses and the sun sets, whales become more active as they prepare to rest for the night.

Which coast is better for whale watching?

The Gulf of Maine is an ideal whale habitat because it's filled with all the staples of a whale's diet—squid, krill, and plenty of fish. Visit Acadia National Park and bring along your binoculars to see whale spouts from afar or take to the water for a tour.