What were two key features of motte and bailey castles?

What were two key features of motte and bailey castles? This consisted of two main components: the motte, an artificial mound atop which was built a fortified tower called a keep, and a bailey, which was an enclosure connected to the motte. Many castles of this type also had a ditch around the bailey.

How did motte and bailey castles helped William keep control?

William's use of castles The Norman conquerors were unpopular with many people in England, so they quickly built motte-and-bailey castles all over the country to protect themselves and send out a warning to people that they were here to stay and keep control.

What was the safest place in a motte-and-bailey castle?

The keep was the building where the owners of the castle would live. It was the safest place in the castle. The bailey was open, flat ground surrounded by a tall, wooden fence, often topped with spikes.