What were the main weaknesses of the Texan defenses of The Alamo?

What were the main weaknesses of the Texan defenses of The Alamo?

Alamo weaknesses:
  • The wall surrounding the main plaza was incomplete. A fence of sticks and dirt was built to close the gap.
  • The mission was too large for Travis to defend with the few troops he had.

What does Alamo mean in English?

a poplar tree; esp., a cottonwood.

How do Mexicans feel about the Alamo?

Even now, the Alamo is often looked at by local Latinos as a relic of Anglo imperialism, with Mexico losing Texas in a land grab. For its advocates, though, the Alamo reflects a stubborn Texan drive for independence won from Mexico in 1836, just as that nation was losing its way in the mire of coups and tyranny.