What was the operation on the Rhine River?

What was the operation on the Rhine River? Operation Plunder was a military operation to cross the Rhine on the night of 23 March 1945, launched by the 21st Army Group under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.

What are 2 interesting facts about the Rhine River?

765 miles long and flowing through 6 countries, the Rhine River has acted as a link between southern and northern Europe since Roman times. Starting in the Swiss Alps, the Rhine River travels through Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

What happened on the Rhine river?

The Allied crossings of the Rhine River allowed US and British troops to advance rapidly into the interior of Germany, helping to bring about the defeat of the Third Reich. The spectacular capture of the Ludendorff Bridge spanning the Rhine at Remagen in early March 1945 was pivotal in the conquest of Germany.

What is one major problem with the Rhine river?

Europe's hot, dry summer means that the water level on the Rhine, Western Europe's most important waterway, is at a record low, making it too shallow for many ships to pass — a problem for a country that depends on the river for 80% of its water freight.