What was SW3 Alton Towers?

What was SW3 Alton Towers? Secret Weapon 3 SW3 was Nemesis, opened in 1994. It is an inverted coaster, the first of it's kind in Europe, and it opened in 1994.

Is Spinball Whizzer a secret weapon?

In 2006, no Secret Weapon was built after rollercoasters were built in the previous two years, Rita and Spinball Whizzer, neither of which were designated with the Secret Weapon code name.

Why are Alton Towers rides called secret weapons?

Secret Weapon is a term on Alton Towers where a new ride is revealed with no name until closer to the opening date for the ride and the park. The inclusion of a new Secret weapon can cause different Park areas to change.

What is the secret weapon 5 at Alton Towers?

Galactica was designed by John Wardley, who has created some of the world's wildest rides, including Oblivion. Originally built as Secret Weapon 5, our 'Aerial Inversion Ride' (AIR) was the first flying roller coaster at Alton Towers Resort.

What was secret weapon 1 and 2?

Secret Weapon 1 & 2 were two unbuilt roller coasters originally intended for the Nemesis site at Alton Towers. They would have been pipeline coasters from Arrow Dynamics if they had been built. The first secret weapon was cancelled due to height limitations.

What ride did Alton Towers get rid of?

Extended closure and reopening In November 2015, as part of the downsizing of the theme park's operation in response to the Smiler incident earlier that year, Alton Towers announced that six of its attractions would not reopen the following season, including Nemesis Sub-Terra.