What type of castles have walls within walls?

What type of castles have walls within walls? Concentric castles resemble one castle nested inside the other, thus creating an inner and outer ward. They are typically built without a central free-standing keep.

What is a curtain wall of a castle?

A curtain wall is a defensive wall between two fortified towers or bastions of a castle, fortress, or town.

What is the entryway of a castle called?

A gatehouse is a castle's fortified gateway to control the entrance or entry point. The entrance to a castle was usually the structurally weakest point in a castle wall and the most probable attack point, so they were fortified with the extra defenses of a gatehouse to compensate.

What is a portcullis in a castle?

A portcullis is a heavy castle door or gate made of metal strips that form a grid. A castle guardian might lower the portcullis to protect the people inside from an invading army. It was common during medieval times for castles to be protected by a portcullis or two.

Why do castles have walls?

Low outer walls served as barriers against siege towers and battering rams. If attackers managed to break through this outer ring of defense, castle defenders could retreat behind high inner walls. Corner towers stood out from the walls, giving defenders a better perspective on enemy movements.

Why did castles have thick walls?

To counter siege tactics used during the time period when they were built. Catapults exists, but the thicker the wall, the longer and more difficult it was to break a hole in the wall the enemy forces could enter the city or castle through.

What is a bailey of a castle?

A bailey is the sturdy wall around a castle that keeps invaders out. The bailey of a medieval castle was usually built of stone. You might see a bailey — or the remains of one — if you tour a castle in England or France.