What to wear Victoria Falls?

What to wear Victoria Falls?

Packing List
  • Quick Dry T-shirts - Chances are, you will break a sweat.
  • Active Shoes - Great for exploring off-the-beaten paths, hiking trails and waterfalls. ...
  • Hat & Sunglasses - To keep the sun out of your eyes and off your face.
  • Swimsuit - Great for when you need to take a dip.

Are Victoria Falls worth it?

Is Victoria Falls worth seeing? Vic Falls is an awesome sight any time of the year, and it is also considered one of the adventure capitals of Africa, there really is a lot to see and do in the area, especially if you love adventure activities.

Will I get wet at Victoria Falls?

High-water season is from about February to July – expect the most spectacular views of the Falls and prepare to get a little wet. Low-water season is from about August to January – this is the best time for activities like white-water rafting and swimming in Devil's Pool.

How long does it take to walk around Victoria Falls?

Explore this 2.4-mile loop trail near Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 56 min to complete. This is a very popular area for hiking and walking, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring.

Is Victoria Falls better than Niagara Falls?

The sheer size of Victoria also makes it a more grandiose site than Niagara, with the surface area twice as big than that of its rival – so there's much more to see as you travel around the falls' perimeter.

What should I wear to visit Vic Falls?

Jeans, pants or trousers and cotton long sleeve shirts for evenings, as this is good prevention against mosquitoes. Loose-fitting, harem like pants for comfort around your hotel. Winter months can get cold especially on safari so a good fleece/jacket, gloves, scarf and woollen hat.

Is it safe to walk around Victoria Falls at night?

Safety at night:Unsafe. Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe carries a relative risk for solo female travelers, particularly at night. It is generally safer to avoid walking alone at night due to instances of petty crime such as pickpocketing and muggings.

When not to go to Victoria Falls?

We don't recommend visiting the Falls at the end of the dry winter season – October through November – when the water level is lowest, and the weather is very hot and humid.

What vaccinations do I need for Victoria Falls?

  • Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is recommended for travel to South Africa and Vic Falls.
  • Typhoid. A food and water borne disease, typhoid vaccination is often recommended.
  • Malaria. ...
  • Rabies. ...
  • Chikungunya. ...
  • Travellers' Diarrhoea. ...
  • Zika. ...
  • Sexually transmitted illness.

How bad are mosquitoes at Victoria Falls?

Visiting Victoria Falls requires vaccinations against Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A and B, and Tetanus. You will also need to take anti-Malaria medication, especially important when you are travelling to the falls during wet season as mosquitoes are at their highest levels.

Do you need cash at Victoria Falls?

Money matters The accepted currency in Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) is the US Dollar. Bring USD with you in cash, preferably in recent, small denominations; $1 and $5 especially. Avoid $100 bills because you can't get change.

How many days is enough for Victoria Falls?

To make the most of your time here, you will want to visit for at least two days. Even if your time is limited, you can make your trip to the falls an exciting memory that will last a lifetime. To enjoy Victoria Falls to the fullest, plan for three or four days.

Is it safe to walk around Victoria Falls Town?

Yes it is safe to walk to the falls despite of the vendors. Most tourist in the nearby hotels walk to the falls everyday.

Do I need malaria pills for Victoria Falls?

high all year round in the north, east and northwest of the country including the valley of Zambezi River, Victoria Falls, national parks Chizarira, Hwange, Gonarezhou and Mana. We recommend the use of mosquito-repellent measures from dusk till morning, in combination with the use of malaria tablets.

Do I need a raincoat for Victoria Falls?

If you plan on visiting Victoria Falls themselves it is good to wear trainers or good walking shoes as the paths can get wet – especially between November and February. The falls are very misty at this time of year and in places you get wet – it is not cold but a very lightweight raincoat is a good idea at these times.

What do I need to know before visiting Victoria Falls?

Top Travel Tips for Victoria Falls Don't miss out: most hotels or lodges will gladly arrange activities on arrival for you, however, booking in advance is recommended to ensure availability on elephant-back safaris as these are often fully booked.

What should I wear as a tourist?

Performance fabrics: Fabrics that are breathable, moisture wicking and easy care make smart choices for traveling. See our fabric comparison, below. Neutral colors: Luggage space is precious. Ditch the bright colors and pack neutral—brown, black and khaki—especially for pants, shorts and skirts.