What to wear in Egypt in October?

What to wear in Egypt in October? Egypt in October boasts warm days and slightly cooler evenings, so be prepared for fluctuating temperatures. Pack a mix of lightweight long-sleeved shirts and comfortable t-shirts to cater to varying weather conditions. Complement these with comfortable pants for walking and exploring diverse sites.

Can I wear knee length shorts in Egypt?

A shirt/t-shirt with a pair of loose pants would be ideal. Capri pants, maxi dresses, or even shorts would work too, as long as the shorts are cut long (knee length). Dresses or skirts are fine… unless you are planning on riding a horse or camel!

What is the dress code for the pyramids?

Tourists are not required to follow any particular dress code to visit the pyramids in Egypt. Although many online sources say that female travellers should not wear short pants, many female tourists do, and nobody bats an eyelid. Both men and women are free to wear shorts to visit the pyramids.

What do you wear to the pyramids in Egypt?

There is no special dress code at the Giza necropolis, Saqqara necropolis, or Dashur necropolis. You really don't need to worry about what to wear to visit the pyramids in Egypt. In a nutshell, you should opt for light and loose fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics.

Should you wear jewelry to Egypt?

What's more, Mara House Luxor points out that wearing rings in Egypt's scorching heat isn't a good idea anyway because your fingers are likely to swell and you'll have a hard time taking them off. That being said, many Egyptian women do wear jewelry.

Is it OK to wear jeans in Egypt?

Jeans, even white jeans, can be hot. (Update: Best to not take jeans unless you're wearing them in the evening, they are just too heavy/hot. Stick with light, cotton pants, dresses or shorts.)

Can you bring a girl to your hotel in Egypt?

In Egypt, it is technically illegal for unmarried couples to share a hotel room, and many hotels will require couples to provide proof of marriage upon check-in. However, some hotels in Cairo may be more lenient or discreet about enforcing these laws.

Do you have to cover your hair as a woman tourist in Egypt?

As a visitor, you are not required or pressured to wear either. If you would like to cover your head with a scarf, and some women do, that's fine. However, you will not be judged or looked down upon for leaving your head uncovered during your Egypt tours.

How should American tourists dress in Egypt?

Light fabrics like linen, cotton and athletic gear made to take the heat are best. Just remember to cover up from your shoulders to below the knee. While women are expected to dress more conservatively than men, even the fellas should leave the short shorts and tight singlets at home.

What can you not bring to Egypt?

Prohibited Items
  • Medical drugs that cannot be dispensed without a prescription such as Tramadol, Xanax, Librax and other medicines.
  • Real and toy arms, ammunition and explosives and any other substances containing explosive materials such as firearms and crackers.
  • All kinds of artifacts.
  • All kinds of narcotics.

Can female tourists wear shorts in Egypt?

Egyptian men do not often wear shorts, but they are perfectly fine for a male tourist to wear. Aside from beachside resort cities, it is not recommended for female tourists to ever wear shorts in Egypt. Before traveling to Egypt for the first time, many travelers ask us what clothes to bring.

Do you have to cover your skin in Egypt?

Just remember to cover up from your shoulders to below the knee. While women are expected to dress more conservatively than men, even the fellas should leave the short shorts and tight singlets at home. Also, avoid packing anything in white.

Can you wear skinny jeans in Egypt?

You can wear what you would typically wear for a night out as long as it is conservative. There is no dress code per se in Egypt. Egyptian women wear the same things we do including fitted clothing like skinny jeans and leggings. They typically wear loose, long sleeved tops with high necklines (no cleavage showing).

How cold is it in Egypt in October?

In cities like Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan, as well as the Nile Valley, daytime temperatures range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F). Coastal areas such as Alexandria and Sharm El Sheikh experience slightly cooler temperatures, ranging from 23°C to 28°C (73°F to 82°F).

Can I wear Birkenstocks in Egypt?

You'll be doing a lot of walking so you want to make sure you're comfortable! Otherwise, my go to travel shoe is usually a pair of birkenstocks! They are comfortable, durable and can be dressed up or down. They pair well with everything from locally bought outfits to denim shorts to sun dresses.

What happens in Egypt in October?

Events in October Siyaha: In October, the Siwa Oasis out in the Western Desert hosts a harvest festival to celebrate the coming season. Events coincide with the full moon and involve Sufi chanting, along with music, food, and celebrations. At night, men gather to form a giant prayer circle called a zikr.

Is it okay to wear leggings in Egypt?

Again, remember that your knees, shoulders, and chest need to be covered. This might mean wearing a light pair of leggings under your dress or adding a lightweight sweater, jacket, or scarf to cover your shoulders.