What to do if airplane ear persists?

What to do if airplane ear persists? Yawning or swallowing while chewing gum during takeoff and descent can usually unblock your ears, says Thomas Borski, MD, a board-certified ENT specialist at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic. If that doesn't work, pinch your nostrils shut, take a mouthful of air and gently exhale into your nose while keeping your mouth closed.

Why is my airplane ear lasting so long?

Fluid or mucus sometimes accumulates in the middle ear for a few days after the flight, which may make hearing rather dull for a while. This happens if the Eustachian tube is still blocked, and is more likely if you had a cold before flying.

When should I see a doctor for an airplane ear?

If you have severe pain or symptoms associated with airplane ear that don't improve with self-care techniques, talk to your family doctor or a general practitioner. You might then be referred to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.

Why is my ear clogged 2 days after flying?

It's all due to pressure changes. As the plane starts to lose height, the pressure in the air around you changes. Until the pressure inside the tubes behind your eardrum adapts, the pressure inside and outside your ear is different.

Does Benadryl help airplane ear?

There are several effective methods to reducing or eliminating airplane ear, either before or after pain starts. Take an antihistamine, oral decongestant, or nasal decongestant spray about 30 to 45 minutes before the flight.

Can you get permanent ear damage from flying?

Generally, airplane ear does not pose problems unless there is any structural damage in the middle ear. Rare complications may include permanent hearing loss and chronic tinnitus [6],[7].

Why does my ear still hurt a week after flying?

If you believe that your airplane ear is caused by allergies or sinus infections, try taking a decongestant or using a nasal spray before takeoff and landing. If you find yourself dealing with ear pain or changes in hearing that last for days after flying, it's important that you call your ENT doctor right away.

How long can ears stay blocked after a flight?

Many symptoms ease as soon as your eustachian tubes can manage air or water pressure changes. In some cases, you may need medication to manage congestion or inflammation. In that case, it may be a few days before your ears feel normal.