What to do if a hotel charges you for smoking?

What to do if a hotel charges you for smoking?

  1. The best way to get your money back from a hotel taking it for a smoking fee when you did not smoke is to contact the hotel directly.
  2. Explain that you were charged for something that was not done and provide evidence if possible.

How can a hotel prove smoking in room?

Many hotels have security cameras in common areas and hallways, and some may have cameras in guest rooms. If there is footage of a guest smoking in the room, this can be used as evidence to support the claim.

Can a hotel charge you for smoking without proof?

Unauthorized smoking in hotel guest rooms causes a host of problems, including soft goods damage, poor guest reviews, and costly cleaning procedures. Many hotels charge $500 smoking fees to cover some of the costs. Without physical proof of smoking, hotels are vulnerable to losing these fees to credit card chargebacks.

Can hotel smoke alarms detect vapor?

While vaping produces a vapor rather than smoke, the vapor can still leave behind a residue and scent that can be detected by sensitive smoke detectors and cleaning staff. Many hotels have policies that prohibit smoking and vaping in guest rooms, and guests who violate these policies may face penalties or fines.

Will hotels kick you out for smoking?

Will hotels kick you out for smoking? If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Yes, smoking in a hotel room can get you kicked out.

What happens if a hotel finds drugs in your room?

Possession Charges: If drugs are found in a hotel room and there is no clear indication of who they belong to, anyone in the room could potentially be charged with possession. This charge can result in fines, probation, and even jail time, depending on the severity of the drug and the amount found.

Can you fight a hotel charge?

But you don't have to accept those unexplained fees – you can dispute hotel charges and potentially get refunds. Review bills for errors, request removal of disputed charges, provide receipts as proof, and escalate to the credit card issuer and consumer agencies if needed.

How to smoke in a hotel without getting in trouble?

One trick for smoking in a non-smoking hotel is to smoke in the bathroom with the shower on. The steam from the shower can help dissipate the smoke and prevent it from spreading throughout the room. Be sure to close the bathroom door and use a towel to cover any gaps around the door to prevent smoke from escaping.

Who is responsible if drugs are found in a hotel room?

Possession Charges: If drugs are found in a hotel room and there is no clear indication of who they belong to, anyone in the room could potentially be charged with possession. This charge can result in fines, probation, and even jail time, depending on the severity of the drug and the amount found.

What happens if you get caught smoking in a hotel room?

In conclusion, smoking in a hotel can result in fines, fire alarms, and even eviction. Most hotels have strict no-smoking policies, and smoking in a non-smoking room can put you and others at risk. It's important to follow hotel policies and consider alternatives to smoking.

Is it OK to smoke on hotel balconies?

While smoking on balconies is generally not allowed, there may be certain exceptions and limitations depending on the hotel's specific policies. Some Marriott hotels may have designated smoking areas on their premises, which might include outdoor spaces such as patios or designated smoking zones.

How do you get off a hotel blacklist?

If you feel you've been blacklisted by accident, be willing to give personal information that can distinguish you from the guilty party. And don't threaten legal action. Hotels have the right to refuse service for these reasons, so you won't gain anything but extra animosity from the hotel by trying to sue.

Can hotel staff walk in your room?

In-Room Privacy
This means that hotel staff should not enter your room without your permission, unless there is an emergency or a valid reason to do so. It is important to note that housekeeping staff may need to enter your room to clean and maintain it, but they should do so respecting your privacy.

Do hotels keep notes on guests?

Hotels typically keep records of guests for a period of time that is determined by the individual hotel's policies. Generally, hotels will keep records for at least one year after a guest has checked out.

Can hotels tell if you vape?

In addition to visual evidence, hotels rely on their sense of smell to detect vaping. Vaping produces a distinct odor that can linger in the air and on fabrics. Housekeeping staff are trained to recognize this scent and pinpoint its source.

Do smoking hotel rooms smell?

If you've ever stayed in a hotel that offers smoking rooms, you may have wondered whether or not these rooms actually smell like smoke. If you're short on time, here's a quick answer to your question: Yes, smoking rooms in hotels do tend to have a distinct smell of smoke.