What times are super off-peak LNER?
What times are super off-peak LNER? Weekday Super Off-Peak trains are: Northbound: Trains that depart London or Stevenage between 09:06 and 14:59 and after 18:59 Monday to Thursday and after 18:15 on a Friday. Southbound: Trains arriving into London or Stevenage after 11:17 Monday to Friday.
What time can I use an off peak day return train ticket?
Off-Peak Day Return tickets are valid for travel on the date shown on the ticket and until 04:29 the following morning. All travel must be completed by this time.
Can I use super off peak on any train?
Super-Off Peak tickets give you flexibility and you can use the ticket on any service to your destination within the super off peak times. If you want to travel at a time when Off-Peak or Anytime tickets only would be needed, you'll just need to pay the difference.
What time can I use a super off-peak ticket?
What are Super Off-Peak Tickets? Super Off-Peak Tickets are valid for travel after 10am Monday – Friday, and any time at weekends or Bank Holidays.
What are off-peak train times London?
Peak fares - Monday to Friday (not on public holidays) between 06:30 and 09:30, and between 16:00 and 19:00. Off-peak fares - at all other times and if you travel from a station outside Zone 1 to a station in Zone 1 between 16:00 and 19:00, Monday to Friday.
What are peak train times?
Peak fares are charged during business rush hours on any weekday train scheduled to arrive in NYC terminals between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. or depart NYC terminals between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Do you have to buy super off-peak tickets in advance?
You can buy anytime from twelve weeks before you travel, right up to when you arrive at the station from the ticket office or machines.
Can I use an off-peak return at any time?
Not to be confused with Off-Peak Day Returns, the Off-Peak Return ticket requires you to make the outward part of your journey on the date shown on the ticket. The return part of your journey, however, can be completed on any day on an Off-Peak train within one calendar month of the ticket's issue date.
Is Elizabeth line more expensive?
The fares on the central section of the Elizabeth line (Paddington to Liverpool Street) are the same as the fares on London Underground in Zone 1.
Can I get an earlier train with an off peak ticket?
Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak Can be used on a different time train providing the earlier or later train is also within the terms of conditions of the ticket.
What are the rules for super off peak tickets?
Super Off-Peak Return tickets are valid for outward travel on the date shown on the ticket and until 04:29 the following morning. If you cannot complete your journey on the same day you will be allowed to finish it the following day - see 'Break of journey' below.
What is the maximum fare on TfL?
If the time between touching in at the start and touching out at the end of your journey is more than the maximum journey time limit, you'll be charged two maximum pay as you go fares. A single maximum fare is: up to £9.40 in Zones 1-9. up to £26.00 beyond Zone 9, including on the Heathrow Express.
Can I use my railcard during peak times?
Time Restrictions The only time you can't use your Two Together Railcard is at morning peak times, ie before 0930 Monday to Friday. Remember, on weekends and public holidays this restriction doesn't apply, so you can get out and start having adventures whatever time you like.
Can I use an off peak travel card at 5pm?
Off-Peak Day Travelcards are valid for unlimited travel from 09:30 Mondays to Fridays, (00:01 Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) on the day for which the ticket is dated and until 04:29 on the following day.
What is the cheapest way to use the London Underground?
1. Get an Oyster card. As you move around London you will spot locals tapping something against a yellow card reader at the underground turnstiles, on buses, trams, and even on the Thames Clipper Uber boat. This is an Oyster card, and it is an incredible 50% cheaper than buying single tickets or a paper travelcard.