What time should you stop swimming in the ocean?

What time should you stop swimming in the ocean? Avoid swimming at dusk and dawn You can reduce your risk of shark encounters by staying out of the water at these times of day. Sharks also don't have the best vision, so they will be more likely to confuse a human for its natural prey when visibility is low.

What time of day is the ocean the calmest?

Unless there is a frontal passage or squall line blowing through, early to midmorning tends to be calmer than later in the day. The winds tend to die down overnight, and since winds generate waves, the waves tend to lay down.

Should I go to the beach at 4pm?

The best way to avoid sunburn is to stay off the beach between 10am and 4pm, which is when the sun is at a peak intensity—even if it's cloudy!

Is it OK to swim at the beach at night?

It's a safe bet there are no lifeguards on duty. Night swimmers are frequently intoxicated. One of my classmates from high school perished in a dark ocean. Play it safe, never swim alone.