What time of year is it safe to swim in Cairns?

What time of year is it safe to swim in Cairns? Yes you can swim in Cairns beaches, however it can be very dangerous between the months of November – May. Most locals would recommend swimming in freshwater lagoons, lakes and waterfalls to avoid crocodiles, jellyfish and other dangerous animals in the sea.

Is it too cold to swim in Cairns in July?

Cairns' Great Barrier Reef water temperature varies throughout the year, from a comfortable 29 degrees in summer (December – February) to 22 degrees in winter (June – August).

Can you swim all year round in Cairns?

A: It is safe to swim all year round in Cairns, Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef but it is highly recommended that you wear a lycra suit when entering the water in the warmer months of November-April.

When can you not swim in Queensland?

Queensland is home to several species of dangerous tropical marine stingers, including the box jellyfish and the Irukandji. Marine stingers are present in tropical Queensland waters all year round but the risk is higher during the marine stinger season (November–May).

What months can you swim in Cairns?

A: It is safe to swim all year round in Cairns, Port Douglas and the Great Barrier Reef but it is highly recommended that you wear a lycra suit when entering the water in the warmer months of November-April.

Can you see sharks in Cairns?

Cairns Tours can help you see the best of the reef's natural wonders in the safest way possible with the best and most experienced guides in the region. Embark on the adventure of a lifetime and swim alongside harmless reef sharks, whales, turtles, and tropical fish in their natural habitat!