What time of day are whales most active in Massachusetts?

What time of day are whales most active in Massachusetts? Any time of day is best for whale watching Cape Cod adventures because these creatures are active all the time. Despite that, most boat companies only offer morning and early afternoon tours because they typically last for three to four hours. Keep in mind that offshore water conditions can affect your journey.

What do you wear to whale watching in Boston?

Depending on the season, the weather could be cold and breezy when you are out on the ocean. In the summer months, bring a jacket, sweater, or hoodie. In April through November, you will likely want a winter coat, a hat (that won't blow off!), and gloves.

What time of day is best for whale watching in Boston?

Anytime from early May through October we can have great sightings. Luckily, Gloucester is located between two feeding grounds, so we can get to wherever the whales are. Morning or afternoon does not seem to make much difference. Mornings are generally less crowded though.

What is the best month for whale watching in Cape Cod?

Around mid-April, Cape Cod whale watching season begins, and it runs through October. The best time to see the whales, though, is from June through September because this is their peak migration period. Throughout the season, you're very likely to see multiple whales on a boat trip.

What is the best time to go whale watching?

One of the reasons that the morning time is the best time of day for whale watching has to do with weather and ocean conditions. The wind is a key player when it comes to smooth seas, and morning trips often have less wind.

What time of day is best for whale watching in Monterey?

This is great if you or someone in your group is prone to seasickness. The gentler winds in the morning make the whole experience more enjoyable, and the flatter waters make it easier to spot whales and other marine life! Morning whale watching tours also tend to be a little longer, giving you more time on the water.

How long does it take to go whale watching?

Time: Approximately 2.5 – 3 hours. Usually a whale watching tour takes anywhere between 2.5 to 3 hours in order to navigate the ocean in search of different whale species.

Do whale watching boats bother whales?

Boat-based whale watching exposes whales and dolphins to underwater noise, as well as the risk of injury from collision with the boat's hull or propeller19,20. The presence of boats can distract the animals from important behaviours like resting, socializing or feeding1,3,21.

Is Boston or Cape Cod better for whale watching?

Cape Cod is a premier location in the U.S. to whale watch. Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is a protected area that stretches from Cape Ann to Cape Cod. Even the local cruises guarantee a 99% whale-spotting success rate.

What is the best place near Boston to watch whales?

3 What is the best place to see whales in Boston? You'll have the best odds of seeing whales in the Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary. Located between Cape Ann and Cape Cod at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, this federally protected marine sanctuary encompasses 842 square miles of excellent whale-watching territory.

Can you see whales from shore in Boston?

Yes, you can see whales from land in both Cape Cod and Boston. Cape Cod, especially Provincetown and Cape Cod National Seashore, offers good opportunities for whale watching from the coastline.

Is whale watching better in the morning or afternoon in Massachusetts?

Whales can be active throughout the day, so there isn't really a best time for whale sightings per se. Boston Harbor City Cruises whale-watching trips take place throughout the day to increase the chances of a sighting.

What to expect from a whale watching cruise in Boston?

You'll watch the whales splash in the water, see pods of dolphins playing nearby, and observe many species of sea birds and other marine life. You'll quickly understand why cruise passengers sometimes call this the experience of a lifetime.