What time is super off-peak in Northern?

What time is super off-peak in Northern? What times are super off-peak trains? Super off-peak trains run between 10:00 to 15:30, and then from 19:15 onwards during weekdays. You can also travel super off-peak during weekends and bank holidays.

What is difference between off peak and super off peak?

Super Off-Peak tickets are simply an even more restricted version of Off-Peak tickets, usually only made available at the quietest of times during the week.

What times are super off-peak LNER?

Weekday Super Off-Peak trains are: Northbound: Trains that depart London or Stevenage between 09:06 and 14:59 and after 18:59 Monday to Thursday and after 18:15 on a Friday. Southbound: Trains arriving into London or Stevenage after 11:17 Monday to Friday.

What time can I use a super off-peak ticket?

What are Super Off-Peak Tickets? Super Off-Peak Tickets are valid for travel after 10am Monday – Friday, and any time at weekends or Bank Holidays.

What are the rules for super off-peak tickets?

Time restrictions apply on journeys taken Monday to Saturday, and tickets won't be valid on trains that depart:
  • Before 12:01, and between 16:00 and 19:00 from London Waterloo;
  • Before 12:01, and between 16:00 and 19:04 from Vauxhall;
  • Before 12:01, and between 16:09 and 19:09 from Clapham Junction;

What happens if you use an off-peak ticket during peak times?

For off-peak tickets on peak trains, or senior tickets on morning peak trains, you pay the difference between full peak price and value of ticket, rounded up to the nearest dollar. Note: When stepping up an off-peak 10-Trip ticket, the discount is forfeited.

What time can I use an off-peak day return train ticket?

Off-Peak Day Return tickets are valid for travel on the date shown on the ticket and until 04:29 the following morning. All travel must be completed by this time.

What are peak train times?

Peak fares are charged during business rush hours on any weekday train scheduled to arrive in NYC terminals between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. or depart NYC terminals between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Can I travel at any time with an off-peak ticket?

You can book your Off-Peak tickets at any time, but you must travel during the middle of the day, in the evenings or at any time on weekends, avoiding the morning and late-afternoon rush hour.

Do you have to buy super off peak tickets in advance?

You can buy these tickets at any time before you travel.

Can I travel on super off peak with off peak?

Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak tickets that show 'any permitted' allow you to travel on any train operator within any of the Off-Peak times.

Can you sit anywhere on a train?

Can you sit anywhere on a train? If the train company does not offer seat reservations on the train you are travelling on, the reservation ticket will specify the date and time of travel. In this case, you may sit in any available seat on the specified train, appropriate to the class of your ticket.

What time is peak train times UK?

Peak train times are generally between 06:30 and 09:30, and from 16:30 to 19:00. This is when the trains are busiest, with commuters travelling between work and home. However, with more people working from home, you'll have a more peaceful journey than you once would!

Can you get off a train before your stop and get back on?

Many tickets allow you to break your journey – getting off the train at a station somewhere on the route between your start and end stations before continuing your travel. Breaking your journey means you do not have to make the whole of your journey at the same time or, where allowed, on the same day.