What time does the bus start in Dublin?

What time does the bus start in Dublin? Hours of operation vary by route, but depending on your stop, you can usually catch buses in Dublin as early as 5am and as late as 12am. Check timetables to see first and last bus times for your stop.

Is Dublin Airport bus 24 hours?

Yes, a 24 hour 7 days a week free shuttle bus operates from the Express Red and Holiday Blue Long Term Car Parks. The Express Green operates a free 24 hour shuttle bus.

How much is bus from Dublin Airport to city centre?

Aircoach tickets can be bought online or from customer staff at Dublin Airport. A return ticket from Dublin Airport to O'Connell Street (Dublin City Centre) typically costs around 9 Euros.

How much is a day bus ticket in Dublin?

There is also a multi-operator cap if you are travelling on Dublin Bus, Luas and DART and Commuter Rail. The daily cap is €8.00 and the weekly cap is €32.00.

Is Dublin tram free?

You may travel free on Luas if you have a Free Travel Pass. If you have a Free Travel Pass, you do not need to get a ticket for Luas. However, you must produce your pass on the tram if requested to do so by a Luas Customer Service Officer or Inspector.

What is the cheapest way to get from the airport to Dublin?

Airlink. The Airlink is a public coach service from Dublin Airport to multiple locations throughout Dublin city centre. Fares are cheaper than both Aircoach and taxis.