What time does it get dark in Tenerife in January?

What time does it get dark in Tenerife in January? During January you can still look forward to 11 hours of daylight with 6 hours of sunshine each day, which means it's a great month to book Tenerife holidays. UV levels will be moderate so don't forget to use sun cream, while sunset's just before 6.30pm at the beginning of January and gets later through the month.

Can you swim in the pool in Tenerife in January?

The weather in South Tenerife in January is quite good for swimming. If you cringe when you hear the phrase “water temperature 19-21 degrees”, a great solution would be staying in a hotel with a heated pool. There you can enjoy a swim at a pleasant 26 – 28 degrees, just like in the Mediterranean.

Does it get cold at night in Tenerife?

Temperatures in Tenerife are around 20°C in winter with lows of 14°C at night. Tenerife weather warms up again from March until May. You can expect a daily average of 22°C with eight hours of warm sunshine each day.

What clothes to wear in Tenerife in January?

From November through December, January February and March it can be cool and wet so pack a lightweight raincoat and travel umbrella. And the winter months can be cold in the evenings, so take a jacket or sweater to put round you.

What to wear at night in Tenerife in January?

From November through December, January February and March it can be cool and wet so pack a lightweight raincoat and travel umbrella. And the winter months can be cold in the evenings, so take a jacket or sweater to put round you.

What time does it get dark in Tenerife in February?

During February you can expect 11 hours of daylight each day with 7 hours of sunshine. Be wary of the UV index which is at a high level despite it still technically being winter; sunset's just before 7pm at the beginning of February, gradually getting later as the month goes on.

What is the time difference in Tenerife in winter?

Tenerife Time Zone In autumn and winter, Tenerife's time zone is Western European Time (WET), UTC +0. While, during the spring and summer seasons, there's the Western European Summer Time (WEST), UTC +1.

Which part of Tenerife is best in January?

HOTTEST CANARY ISLAND IN JANUARY: TENERIFE The warmest resorts in January are Los Cristianos, Playa de Las Americas, Costa Adeje and Puerto de Santiago.

Can you tan in Tenerife in January?

If you're planning for an intense tan, then it's best to go during the summertime. But if you want to avoid the crowd and still enjoy the sunshine, you can even go during the winter!

Are there mosquitoes in Tenerife?

There are mosquitoes on Tenerife but not a lot. You will find them more in some areas than others, and importantly, they only appear at cer-tain times of the year. Tenerife fans often visit the island at the same time each year. If that happens to be at time when there aren't mossies, then they will never see one.

Is Tenerife hot in January?

Temperature in Tenerife in January January is one of the coldest months albeit remaining very warm as it reaches an average daily maximum of 21.1 °C and experiences up to six hours of daily sunshine. Small chances of rain derive from the 41 mm average rainfall.

Is it worth going to Tenerife in January?

What is the weather like Tenerife in January? One of the top reasons for visiting the island is the year round warm weather. In January the weather in Tenerife is pretty good with an average temperature of 17°C and rarely falling below 14°C so it's decent t-shirt and beach weather.

What is the longest day in Tenerife?

The June solstice (summer solstice) in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is at 3:57 pm on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. In terms of daylight, this day is 3 hours, 37 minutes longer than the December solstice. In most locations north of the equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.

Is Tenerife crowded in January?

Crowds & costs The north of islands such as Gran Canaria and Tenerife will be colder and wetter than the south in January, so whilst tourism is low during the months you can expect to see less of other visitors in these parts of the Canary Islands.

What time does it go dark in Tenerife in December?

Although it's winter there's still loads of sun in December, and you can expect ten hours of daylight with six hours of sunshine each day. UV levels will be moderate so you'll still need to use plenty of sun cream. Sunset's around 6.15pm at this time.

Is Tenerife rainy in January?

Tenerife's Weather in January The hottest days reach up to 26°C and night temperatures going down to 13°C. An estimated 23mm of rainfall falls within 3.7 days of this month, with 18.2 of those days partially cloudy and an estimated 6.8 days sunny.

How many hours of daylight does Tenerife get?

The longest day of the year is 13:48 long and the shortest day is 10:11 long. The longest day is 3:37 longer than the shortest day. There is an average of 2892 hours of sunlight per year (of a possible 4383) with an average of 7:55 of sunlight per day.

Which canary is warmest in January?

Tenerife: the warmest Canary Island in winter The daily average temperature in winter is generally between 20 and 25 degrees celsius, which makes it attractive for those looking to escape the winter chill. The winter warmth can be explained by its geographic position.

How many hours of daylight does Tenerife get in January?

During January you can still look forward to 11 hours of daylight with 6 hours of sunshine each day, which means it's a great month to book Tenerife holidays. UV levels will be moderate so don't forget to use sun cream, while sunset's just before 6.30pm at the beginning of January and gets later through the month.