What time does everything close in Zurich?
What time does everything close in Zurich? Shops are now allowed to be open Mon to Sat from 06:00 - 23:00, though only few are open that long. On Sundays only shops in railway and petrol stations are allowed to open. Here is a rough guide to opening hours in Zurich: Shops in the city centre i.e. around Bahnhofstrasse are usually open Mon to Fri 09:00 - 20:00.
Is it safe to walk in Zurich at night?
Zurich, is renowned for its high safety standards. Its crime rate is very low and it is generally considered safe to walk around even at night. The public transport is reliable and it's easy to navigate around the city.
Do I need cash in Zurich?
The most commonly accepted payment options are cash, credit cards and debit cards. Credit cards and debit cards are accepted almost everywhere. The most common are Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Maestro. It is advisable to check in advance...