What time do people eat dinner in Mykonos?

What time do people eat dinner in Mykonos? 3. Dinner starts late and nighttime parties start even later: If you're used to eating dinner at 7 p.m., let that go during your trip. Since most people are partying throughout the day, dinner usually starts at 10 p.m., and nightlife kicks off at midnight.

How long do Greeks nap for?

In modern Greece, it's highly recommended to keep silence from 2 till 3 – 5 pm.

Do you seat yourself at restaurants in Greece?

You survey the restaurant and locate an empty table. There is no host or hostess so you have to take care of yourself. You walk over to the table and occupy it. If there are more of you than there are chairs, get two or three adjoining tables and put them together.

What time do beach parties start in Mykonos?

The beach club is open from April till October every day from early morning till late at night. The parties at Paradise Beach Club starts every day from 4:00pm and every night from 10:00pm.

What is a typical Greek lunch?

Greek lunches are traditionally a light meal that consists of a homemade vegetable stew or casserole. It is served with staple sides of cheese, bread, salad, and most importantly, wine.

How do I ask for a bill in Greece?

Greek: “To logariasmo parakalo” After eating a delicious meal in Greece, you'll get your server's attention and ask for “To logariasmo parakalo” from your server. Both “logariasmo” and “parakalo” have the strongest accent on the last vowel, which sounds like the English word “oh.”

What is the typical Greek breakfast?

The Greeks never fail to start their day off with a hearty mix! A typical Greek breakfast usually consists of a wide variety of bread, pastry, fruits, and Greek yogurt. These foods are high in nutritional value and a great source of energy — an excellent way to begin your Greek food adventures!

What time is dinner in Santorini?

Lunch is usually served around 14:00 and dinner at around 21:00. Even if you arrive as late as 23:00, most establishments still operate and will serve you. Particularly in Santorini, many visitors prefer combining their dinner with the famous sunset views at approximately 19:30 - 20:50.

Is it rude to not finish food in Greece?

Not only will you be expected to eat everything off your plate, but you should also compliment the chef by asking for seconds – even if you're stuffed!

Can I wear shorts to dinner in Greece?

It is acceptable to wear shorts, whether you are a woman or a man.

Do you top in Greece?

There is not a strong tradition of tipping in Greece, particularly among the locals, but it's become expected that tourists leave a small tip while travelling through the country. In restaurants it's common to leave a cash tip for whoever is looking after you – 10–15 per cent is standard.

What time do things close in Mykonos?

Shopping in Mykonos Shops are open all day, from morning until late after midnight.

Is tipping expected in Greece?

There is not a strong tradition of tipping in Greece, particularly among the locals, but it's become expected that tourists leave a small tip while travelling through the country. In restaurants it's common to leave a cash tip for whoever is looking after you – 10–15 per cent is standard.

What time does Mykonos get busy?

Peak season is mid-July until the end of August and the island attracts visitors of all age groups. The best time to visit Mykonos island really depends upon your preferences.

How to not be rude in Greece?

  1. Do accept a greeting with two kisses on the cheek. ...
  2. Do accept an invitation for a lunch or dinner at their home. ...
  3. Don't thrust the palm of your hand in front of someone's face, it is considered a very rude gesture, so don't attempt to do this even jokingly!