What takes customs so long?

What takes customs so long? Missing or incorrect paperwork, outstanding duties and taxes, or dangerous or prohibited items are the main reasons why packages get stuck in customs.

Why is customs taking so long?

This may be due to missing or incomplete paperwork, waiting for clearance instructions or because the authorities may need more information to clear the goods.

How long does customs clearance take 2023?

However, it is a necessary procedure before we are able to import or export goods. So, let's explain how long does customs clearance take in general. Almost in all countries, it takes around 24 hours.

Is 3 hours enough to get through customs?

Allow enough time: Customs can be time-consuming, especially during peak travel periods. Make sure you allow enough time to clear customs and get to your connecting flight. As a general rule, it's best to allow at least two hours for international layovers.