What stomach pills for traveling?

What stomach pills for traveling?

Diarrhea medicine: Imodium or Pepto-Bismol
Though it's most often caused by contaminated food or water, traveler's diarrhea can happen anywhere – so it's a good idea to bring an anti-diarrheal medication no matter the destination or type of trip.

Do travel sickness tablets work?

Treatment for motion sickness Medications either calm the nerves of the inner ear or soothe the brain's vomiting centre. However, nearly all motion sickness pills are most effective if they are taken before you feel sick. Some motion sickness pills may cause drowsiness as a side effect.

What pills prevent travelers diarrhea?

Ciprofloxacin (cipro) is the medication of choice, at a dose of 500 mg twice daily for three days. If you are traveling to an area where TD is a possibility, your travel medicine provider may prescribe cipro or a similar antibiotic for you to take on your trip.

How do I prepare my stomach for international travel?

Make sure your pre-travel diet includes plenty of fiber, which makes stools softer and more comfortable to pass. Foods high in fiber include many fruits, like apples (with the skin), raspberries, and pears; beans; and whole-grain foods such as bran cereal.

Why does travelers diarrhea last so long?

Most cases of TD are the result of bacterial infection and are short-lived and self-limited. In addition to immunosuppression and sequential infection with diarrheal pathogens, ongoing infection with protozoan parasites can cause prolonged diarrheal symptoms.

How long does travelers stomach last?

Most people improve within 1 to 2 days without treatment and recover completely within a week. However, you can have multiple episodes of traveler's diarrhea during one trip.