What state has more than 3000 lakes?

What state has more than 3000 lakes? Alaska is known to have more than 3,000 named lakes. This number pales in comparison to the 3 million unnamed ones in the state! So Alaska does have the most lakes of any state in the United States. The largest lake in Alaska is Lake Iliamna which has an area of more than 1,600 square miles.

What state has 1,000 lakes?

Minnesota's official nickname comes from its French state motto, adopted in 1861: l'étoile du nord meaning, “the star of the north.” Another unofficial nickname is the Land of 10,000 Lakes because, well, Minnesota has thousands of lakes—11,842 to be exact!

What lake touches 3 states?

Lake Superior is the largest of all five Great Lakes, bordering on Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

What country has 7000 lakes?

There are several thousand lakes in Switzerland, with estimations up to 7000, although those include very small water bodies, traditionally referred to as lakes. On this list, only the 103 largest lakes, which are over 30 hectares in area, are included.

What lake has the most water on earth?

Located in Russia in the southern region of Siberia, Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake by both volume (22995 km3) and depth (1741m).

What state has the deepest lakes?

Crater Lake, located in the Cascade Range in Oregon, is the deepest lake in the United States. It is also a relatively young lake, having been formed about 7,700 years ago when a massive volcano called Mount Mazama collapsed following an eruption.

How many lakes are in Alaska?

Alaska has about 3,197 officially named natural lakes, out of over 3,000,000 unnamed natural lakes, approximately 67 named artificial reservoirs, and 167 named dams.

What state has the most lakes?

Top 10 States with the Most Lakes
  • #1: Alaska Lakes (3,000,000) ...
  • #2: Wisconsin Lakes (15,000) ...
  • #3: Minnesota Lakes (11,842) ...
  • #4: Michigan Lakes (11,000) ...
  • #5: Washington Lakes (8,000) ...
  • #6: New York Lakes (7,600) ...
  • #7: Florida Lakes (7,500) ...
  • #8: Texas Lakes (6,700)

How many lakes are in Texas?

There are over 7 thousand natural lakes in Texas. Many of the naturally-occurring lakes in Texas are horseshoe bends, called resacas, formed from a main river channel.