What speed is V2?

What speed is V2? V2 is the speed at which the airplane will climb in the event of an engine failure. It is known as the takeoff safety speed.

What is the slowest speed of a 737?

What is the slowest speed a 737 can fly? It depends on many variables; weight, weather conditions, what specific type of 737 etc but it would generally be anywhere from 120-150 knots. It is a function of the weight of the aircraft and its configuration such as flaps, slats and landing gear.

Can a plane stop at V1?

Meanwhile, larger planes like the A380 and 747 have a V1 speed of 140-150 knots to account for the greater weight onboard. Once the plane reaches this speed, it becomes unsafe to apply the brakes and/or reverse thrust and bring the plane to a stop.

What vertical speed do pilots use on a 737?

What vertical speed do pilots use on a 737? Most jets climb at 250 knots up to 10,000 feet due to FAA regulations. Above 10,000 feet, 280 to 300 knots with a transition to Mach . 7 around 24,000 feet are average for the 737.

Why do pilots say V1 rotate?

During the takeoff roll, the pilot monitoring the displays (PM) will call out the two important speeds: V1 and rotate. This indicates to the pilot flying the aircraft (PF) when they are beyond the safe stopping speed and when to rotate the aircraft into the air.

Why do pilots say blue?

The callout from the pilots like LOC blue serves to remind themselves of the current flight guidance modes, and to maintain awareness of mode changes. This is also to ensure that their mental idea of what the aircraft will do next is up to date and fits to the current flight situation.