What should you not wear on an African safari?

What should you not wear on an African safari? Camouflage clothing is illegal in some African countries and bright colours, black, and white should be avoided unless around the lodge. Dark colours also tend to be more attractive to insects. Technical fabrics are also preferable over natural fibres for their comfort and performance in hot climates.

Does it really matter what you wear on safari?

Quite honestly, the animals don't care what colour clothing you decide to wear on safari. It is not necessary to purchase an entire wardrobe of khaki-themed safari clothing for your safari. And since you're not coming on safari to hunt or stalk the animals, you can leave your camouflage hunting outfit at home.

Can I wear olive green on safari?

Here are some of our real-life tips and things to remember when packing: The best colours to wear are the dominant colours found in nature such as khaki, beige, light brown and olive green.

Can you wear black or white on safari?

If you are travelling to an area with tsetse flies, this attracts the dreaded fly – an insect with a painful bite – so much so that fly traps are made from blue and black fabric. Can you wear white on safari? White stands out more than any other colour in the African bush and so isn't suitable for safari activities.

Are leggings OK on safari?

There's no need to go out and buy special pants for your safari — chinos, leggings, and shorts are all generally fine (though some experts advise against jeans because they're heavy to pack).

Do you have to wear long sleeves on safari?

– Days on safari are generally hot. In the mornings and evenings, long-sleeved shirts and slacks are better and will also protect you from mosquitoes. For those sensitive to the sun, a loose cotton shirt is a good bet during the day, as is sunscreen.

Can I wear sandals on African safari?

We recommend still wearing closed shoes even if doing a midday safari drive. This will protect your feet from sunburn. But if you do choose sandals, please be sure to put sunscreen on your feet – folks often forget to protect the skin on the top of their feet.

What is the best repellent for tsetse flies?

Bug repellents containing DEET (30% or less DEET recommended) are the most effective against tsetses. The fine-mesh bug screens on all nyumba camp tents will keep out those pesky flies, but remember to always keep your tent zipped!

Is grey OK to wear on safari?

Shorts and shirts are quite comfortable on a safari especially during the day, but sometimes during the game drives and short walks in the bushes you might wish you had covered up a little more. So light weight pants in light colors like cream,khaki and Chinos or grey are good for the game drives and walks.

How do you go to the toilet on safari?

That's right – no flushing toilet, no toilet seat and no toilet paper! You will be 'going to the loo' behind the nearest bush. What to expect on safari? Well, ladies, it is a good idea to carry tissues and a small bag to deposit them in until you can dispose of them back at camp (and a hand sanitizer too).

Do you dress up for dinner on safari?

Safaris are casual, so bringing fancy items to wear to dinner is unnecessary. Still, I like to change into something a little nicer for the evening. Because it was chilly and I was trying to avoid bug bites, I always wore long pants in the evening, typically pairing those with a long-sleeved shirt and my sweater wrap.