What should tourists wear in Jordan?

What should tourists wear in Jordan? Jordanian Culture In general, it's best for women and men to cover up as much skin as possible when visiting Jordan. Tourists shouldn't feel compelled to wear thick, long garments during their stay, but lightweight clothing which aren't too revealing is the best way to go. Sandals are also permissable.

Are there mosquitoes in Wadi Rum?

Although there's no malaria in Petra and Wadi Rum there are mosquitoes so spray and cover up accordingly, especially after dark, to avoid becoming a midnight snack.

Is it OK to wear jeans in Jordan?

It's recommended that if you choose to wear jeans in Jordan that they are loose-fitting. My local, Jordanian driver did mention that a sure sign of a local female is a long shirt that covers the butt when wearing jeans. Thus, if you want to fit in more as a local, be sure to wear a long shirt.

Is it OK to wear shorts to Petra?

Whether you are in the city of Amman, exploring Petra, or trekking the desert valley of Wadi Rum, men should refrain from wearing shorts as it is seen as disrespectful.

Can you enter Petra without a guide?

You can totally visit Petra by yourself—we did! If you're visiting several areas in Jordan, a tour guide and driver may simplify things, but it's certainly not a requirement.

What should a woman wear in Jordan?

When planning what to wear in Jordan, the general rule is to keep shoulders, arms, and legs covered as much as possible. Men have slightly more flexibility when it comes to clothing, but women should be sure to refrain from revealing clothing and keep hair tied back.

What kind of shoes to wear at Petra?

While you could do the hiking in a pair of Converse, you'll be more comfortable in shoes with grip. If you're planning on tackling some of the more advanced routes, or even just the 850+ stairs to the Monastery, hiking boots would be ideal.

Do I need DEET for Jordan?

Choose an appropriate insect repellant: PROTECTION AGAINST MULTIPLE BUGS (MOSQUITOS, TICKS, FLIES, ETC.): The CDC recommends a repellent which contains at least 20% DEET. Always use repellents as directed.

Is there a dress code for Petra?

If you're wondering what should tourists wear in Petra, there's no strict dress code – but it's important to respect the local culture. Although you can, in theory, wear whatever you like as a female tourist, be mindful that women in Jordan, tend not to show much skin.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Jordan?

Wearing shorts can also be seen as disrespectful, so opt for long pants instead. Dress codes are generally stricter for women than men, and many female travellers choose to wear a headscarf like the local women.

How safe is Jordan for female tourists?

Is Jordan Safe for Female Travelers? Jordanians are known to be highly respectful towards women. However, as with anywhere, sexual assault, unfortunately, remains a possibility. Consider dressing more modestly to respect etiquette, blend in with local people, and ward off unwanted attention.

Is it OK to wear shorts in Wadi Rum?

In general and for all seasons we advise to wear long sleeve clothes to protect your body from the sun. Also, it is a way to respect our culture, as women and men cover themselves. But of course if you prefer to wear shorts, short dresses, tank tops… feel free, we are used to that and we respect your choice.

Can you wear jeans in Petra?

It is fine to travel in Jordan in jeans most of the time, and you can, of course, wear them in Petra as well, in case this is the piece you never leave your home without, but as the visit of Petra requires quite a lot of walking, we think hiking trousers are a much better choice.

Are Euros accepted in Jordan?

If you're from the UK, we recommend using Starling Bank's debit card, which charges no foreign exchange fees, to make low-cost card payments while travelling in Jordan. Euros aren't accepted in Jordan outside of currency exchange offices, but you can use US dollars or Jordanian dinars instead.

Are there toilets in Wadi Rum?

Is there a hot shower and toilet? The Bedouin Camps have shared bathroom facilities with solar hot water. The tents at the luxury camps all have private bathroom and solar hot water. How much is the entrance ticket fee to Wadi Rum?

Do I need cash in Petra?

You will pay for your tour with a credit card when booking. Payment of visa fees, border fees, and tips must be in cash. You may bring cash and/or credit cards with you for personal needs on your trip.