What should I pack for an interrail?

What should I pack for an interrail?

Packing checklist
  • 1. [ ] First Aid kit.
  • 2. [ ] Photocopies of important documents.
  • 3. [ ] Spare credit card.
  • 4. [ ] Padlock.
  • 5. [ ] Torch.
  • 6. [ ] Driving licence.
  • 7. [ ] Money belt.
  • 8. [ ] Universal adaptor.

How Interrailing changed my life?

Interrailing was, for me ? and for anyone who embarks on a similar rite of passage ? about way more than a ?holiday?; it was about discovering people and places away from parental gaze; exploring beyond safe harbours; growing up; making friends ? and mistakes; being independent and so, so much more.

What age should you go Interrailing?

There is no age limit for Interrail. But there are different prices depending on your age. Children up to 11 years travel free of charge with their parents and Interrail. From 12 to 27 years you will receive the youth rate.

Can you go back and forth with Interrail?

The Interrail Global Pass allows up to 2 journeys in your home country: 1 to leave and 1 to return, with multiple train transfers included. You can travel on one travel day to leave your country of residence (outbound) and on one travel day to return (inbound).

How to save money on Interrail?

  1. Avoid seat reservations on trains. ...
  2. Consider when to use your travel days. ...
  3. Check out different ways to get around your destination. ...
  4. Travel off-season. ...
  5. Avoid the tourist hotspots and visit cheaper alternatives. ...
  6. Join a free walking tour. ...
  7. Discover free museums and discounted attractions.

What is 15 days within 2 months interrail?

15 days in 2 months. Travel on as many trains as you like on each of your 15 travel days – perfect for visiting 14–16 destinations. You can use your 15 travel days any time within 2 months of your start date. Spread them out or use them back-to-back – it's up to you.

Where do you sleep in Interrail?

Couchettes are a standard type of sleeping accommodation. They offer a place to lie down with a pillow, a blanket and a sheet. There are usually compartments with couchettes for 4 or 6 people. Washrooms and toilets are located at the end of each car.

Is it cheaper to fly or Interrail?

When you've selected how many tickets you require, along with the appropriate age, you'll be met with a wide selection of options, from a 4 day ticket to a 3 month one. Varying in price from €167 for unlimited train travel for 4 days to €812 for up to 3 months, the prices are arguably cheaper than that of flying.

Is 3 weeks enough for interrailing?

Three weeks is the perfect length of time for a first-time Interrailing adventure. Not only will you have plenty of time to travel between different countries and cities, but also to really experience the best bits of each place you visit.

Does Interrail cover ice?

Can I travel ICE with the Interrail ticket? Yes, you can board any ICE train within Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands and simply find a free seat. ICEs with destination France require an extra seat reservation from 13 EUR.

How much money should I bring interrailing?

We would advise allowing for around 50-100 euros per day, do you have to spend this exact amount every day? No. Different factors will come into play, for example, one of the days you may want to do a tour that costs around 15-20 euros, but you still need to allow money for eating, public transport etc.