What repels Scottish midges?

What repels Scottish midges? If you're planning on eating outside, smoke from the BBQ is a popular repellent to Scottish midges. Buy some citronella candles and coils to create a wider no-midge zone too.

Can midges bite through clothing?

The best way to prevent midge bites is to wear EPA-registered insect repellent, especially if you're wearing clothes that expose large areas of skin. Biting midges can't bite through clothes, but they can get underneath them. When enjoying outdoor activities, like hiking, it's best to wear long sleeves or pants.

Does DEET repel biting midges?

Developed in 1946, DEET has been used extensively since then and serves as the standard mosquito repellent against which new candidate materials are tested. In addition to working on mosquitoes, it works well on fleas, biting midges (punkies, no-see-ums) and black flies.