What RAC 5 means?

What RAC 5 means? RAC : reservation against cancellation. RAC 5 means u can board the train and ur no 5 on the standby list. In case of any cancellation post ' Chart preparation / enroute' berth so vacated are/ should be alloted RAC list passengers.

Can I travel with RAC 9?

You are entitled to legitimately board the train and travel. RAC status allows you only a seat instead of a berth. Moreover chances of your ticket getting confirmed are very high (99.9%) either before the chart is prepared or at the time of chart preparation.

How many RAC tickets will get confirmed?

RAC (reservation against cancellation) is usually a confirmed seat without a sleeping berth and till 50 to 60 number should get confirmed 98% in a way. In my example too, mine was RAC2 got confirmed on the day of departure. So possibility is 200% till the number 40 to 50.