What plane has never been shot down?

What plane has never been shot down? In conclusion, the Lockheed U-2 spy plane has earned a reputation as the jet that has never been shot down. Its exceptional design, high-altitude capabilities, and skilled pilots have allowed it to evade destruction in the face of numerous threats.

What is the fastest jet?

Top 10 Fastest Fighter Jets in the world
  • NASA/USAF X-15 - Mach 6.72 (4,520 mph)
  • SR-71 Blackbird - Mach 3.4 (2,500 mph+)
  • Lockheed YF-12 - Mach 3.2 (2,275 mph)
  • MiG-25 Foxbat - Mach 3.2 (2,190 mph)
  • Bell X-2 Starbuster - Mach 3.2 (2,094 mph)
  • XB-70 Valkyrie - Mach 3.02 (2,056 mph)
  • MiG-31 Foxhound - Mach 2.83 (1,864 mph)

Would an F-22 beat an F-35?

If the F-22 faced off in a dogfight against the F-35, it would beat it. The F-22 has much greater stealth characteristics than the F-35, i.e. much lower radar signature. Raptor is also faster than the F-35, as well as more maneuverable.