What other major engineering projects was the Big Dig compared to?
What other major engineering projects was the Big Dig compared to? Designed to replace 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) of aging urban highway through the tangled heart of Boston, the Big Dig has been compared in its extent and complexity to such landmark engineering projects as the Panama Canal and the Chunnel.
What was the criticism of the Big Dig?
With interest, the project could ultimately cost around $24 billion, finally getting paid off in 2038. Besides creating a financial nightmare, the Big Dig was plagued by huge constructional flaws – which obviously added fuel to the fiscal firestorm.
What was the Big Dig funding?
The Big Dig, a project funded by federal and stated monies (about 60/40), was substantially completed late in 2007 for nearly $15 billion.
Was the Big Dig project successful?
The result was a 62% reduction in vehicle hours of travel on I-93, the airport tunnels, and the connection from Storrow Drive, from an average 38,200 hours per day before construction (1994–1995) to 14,800 hours per day in 2004–2005, after the project was largely complete.
How much concrete did the Big Dig use?
The project placed 3.8 million cubic yards of concrete. That's enough to build a sidewalk three feet wide and four inches thick from Boston to San Francisco and back three times. The project installed more than 26,000 linear feet of steel-reinforced concrete slurry walls.
How far over budget was the Big Dig?
However, the project was completed in December 2007 at a cost of over $8.08 billion (in 1982 dollars, $21.5 billion adjusted for inflation, meaning a cost overrun of about 190%) as of 2020.