What not to do in a volcano?

What not to do in a volcano?

  1. Limit your time outdoors and use a dust mask or cloth mask as a last resort if you must be outside.
  2. Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano.
  3. Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash in the location where you are.

What would happen if Yellowstone erupted today?

The eruption would entail more than dangerous lava flows and could be expected to kill as many as 90,000 people immediately and spread a 10-foot (3-meter) layer of molten ash as far as 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) from the park. Rescuers probably would have a tough time getting in there.

What are the 3 super volcanoes in the US?

Three of the seven supervolcanoes in the world are in the U.S.:
  • California: Long Valley Caldera.
  • New Mexico: Valles Caldera.
  • Wyoming: Yellowstone.