What nationality are you if you are born on a cruise ship?
What nationality are you if you are born on a cruise ship? United States. U.S. law holds that natural persons born on foreign ships docked at U.S. ports or born within the limit of U.S. territorial waters are U.S. citizens.
Does a baby count as a guest on a cruise ship?
Cruise fares are per person which includes children and infants. When traveling with two full fare guests, additional guests in the same stateroom pay a discounted cruise fare.
What happens if you are born on a cruise ship?
Under the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, for the purposes of determining the obligations under the convention, a birth on a ship or aircraft in international waters or airspace shall be treated as a birth in the country of the ship or aircraft's registration.
Can a baby go on a cruise without a passport?
If the child is a newborn and the actual birth certificate has not arrived from the Vital Records Department, we will accept a hospital issued birth certificate. The United States does not require you to have a passport.
At what age do babies not fly free?
We're here to take you and your family wherever you need to go. Infants or children under 2 years of age can travel on the lap of an adult for free (within the United States) or at a reduced fare (for international travel).
What does your birth certificate say if you re born on a plane?
On the birth certificate, the place of birth is listed as “In the Air.” There are few people with such a birth certificate (rumors that they get to fly free for life are not true).