What motivates you to do the best on the job cabin crew?

What motivates you to do the best on the job cabin crew? “I'm motivated by the chance to create a comfortable and safe environment for passengers. It's rewarding to know that I'm making a positive impact on their experience.” “I'm motivated by the chance to represent the airline and deliver a genuine service that ensures that passengers return to us time and time again.”

What is your motivation for becoming a cabin crew?

I love helping others with their needs. I want to experience something different with my life. I want to become a flight attendant because it gives me the opportunity to meet new people. I've also always wanted to travel and what better way to do that than while on the job.

What is your passion as a cabin crew?

Tip: You may answer along the lines of “My love for traveling and exploring will help me share my passion for adventure with others. I get to share my experience with like-minded individuals and help passengers relax and have a good time during their flight.”

What makes you a successful cabin crew?

Qualities that make a good flight attendant
excellent customer service skills. the ability to stay calm under pressure. being able to think on your feet. being detail-oriented.