What months are off season in Turkey?

What months are off season in Turkey? November and December are generally considered low-season months, which means that popular destinations and attractions are less crowded. November and December are festive months in Turkey, with several events and celebrations taking place during this time.

How many days in Turkey is enough?

If you're wondering how many days in Turkey you need, you could easily spend months. It would take that long to see all the main attractions and historical sites! But you can cover the best of Turkey in 2 weeks. We've mentioned that the 2-week Turkey itinerary set out below is customizable.

Why are holidays to Turkey so cheap?

Turkey – that diverse, beautiful and very sunny country – is insanely cheap right now, with flights and accommodation both very, very affordable indeed. That's because the country in the midst of an economic crisis, with the currency – the lira – having crashed.

Is 100 lira a good tip in Turkey?

What is the Tipping Etiquette in Turkey? In restaurants, it's common to tip around 10% to 15% of the bill, depending on the level of service. For taxis, rounding up to the nearest lira is usually sufficient, while for hotel services, a tip of a few lira is usually appreciated.

Which month Turkey is cheapest?

For Lowest Prices & Fewer Crowds
When it comes to affordable prices and fewer tourists, the shoulder season, between April and May and September and October, is a great time to visit Turkey. For even more affordable rates on flights and accommodations, visit November during the low season.