What month is best to see bears in Alaska?

What month is best to see bears in Alaska? If you want to see bears during your trip to Alaska, the best time to see these magnificent creatures is from July through September. Bears emerge from their winter hibernation in late March through early April, but they tend to stay inland where they graze on any available foliage until the salmon runs begin.

How many days in Alaska is enough?

Most visitors spend seven to fourteen days in Alaska. Much of this decision depends on where you want to go and how you're getting around. Cruising is one of the most popular ways to visit Alaska – especially for first-time visitors – with most cruises lasting seven to ten days.

Is Alaska better in May or September?

The best time to visit Alaska is during the summer between May 10 and September 15. You'll experience temperatures in the 60's to low 70's, 16–24 hrs of daylight, leaves and flowers in bloom, rushing rivers, and the best wildlife viewing.